*Call 1-800-465-4336 to report entanglement, injury or disturbance of a marine mammal in British Columbia.

Who You Gonna Call” is a series of four short videos aimed at increasing knowledge of how to help marine mammals in British Columbia.

These resources provide background on threats sake disturbance and entanglement and provide information on what to do, and who to call, when incidents of concern are witnessed.

See below for the following videos:
#1 Marine Mammal Disturbance                #2 Whale Entanglement
#3 Seal and Sea Lion Entanglement           #4 Injured, Stranded or Dead Marine Mammals

Marine Mammal Disturbance
By Jackie Hildering; Marine Education and Research Society

Whale Entanglement
By Christie McMillan; Marine Education and Research Society

Seal and Sea Lion Entanglement
By Wendy Szaniszlo; Vancouver Aquarium

Injured, Stranded or Dead Marine Mammals
By Lisa Spaven; Fisheries and Oceans Canada


Our gratitude to all who made these resources possible.
Habitat Stewardship Program (HSP) funding was provided through the Canadian Wildlife Federation (CWF) / Canadian Marine Animal Response Alliance (CMARA).
Videography was so generously provided by April Bencze.

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