participants on a mers fundraising trip

Participants on a MERS fundraising trip

Get Involved

We need a community to do this work

Foster understanding and conservation

Join us in pushing for marine conservation. Learn, use your voice, and take action. We all have a role to play in protecting the ocean and its inhabitants.  

Together, our efforts can create positive change.

mers marine education research society happy otter in water

Sea Otter, ©Christie McMillan, MERS

Learn, engage, be a steward

Through engaging presentations and courses, we strive to promote marine conservation, reduce threats to marine life, and inspire stewardship for the marine ecosystem on BC’s coast. We offer learning opportunities in multiple formats: attend a presentation, watch a webinar, or take one of our multi-day Marine Mammal Naturalist Courses. Stay up to date by signing up for our newsletter.

mers marine education research society educator showing child whale feeding images

Education at our Port McNeill Office

Sponsor a Whale

Support the Marine Education and Research Society by sponsoring a Humpback Whale!
All proceeds go directly towards MERS research, education, and response efforts.

Sponsor A Whale
  • Argonaut


  • Conger


  • KC


  • Moonstar


  • Nick


  • Twister


View all 6 MERS sponsorship whales

How boaters can help

Safe boating around marine mammals protects whales and people. You can help by knowing the Regulations and best practices for operating around marine mammals. When on the water, stay alert and know what to look for as indicators of marine mammal presence. Fly the Whale Warning Flag to alert others of whales nearby. Lead by example and share your knowledge with other boaters.

mers marine education research society whale warning flag

Report violations and marine mammals in distress

British Columbia call the Incident Reporting Line 1-800-465-4336 /

Our Auction and Fundraising Trip

Nippy (BCX1262) with her 2018 calf ©MERS, MML-42

Help educate

Expand the reach of MERS by sponsoring a “See a Blow, Go Slow” sign or attending one of our learning opportunities. Share our content online. We need empowered, informed ambassadors to help our educational messaging reach further. 

Join us to help the whales, and the ocean they depend on.

mers marine education research society people happily learning about whale awareness

MERS outreach ©Marieke Knierim, MERS

Keep up to date

News & Blog

October 8, 2024

Meet Megaptera

We’re thrilled to introduce the newest member of the MERS team, Megaptera! Megaptera is a new-to-us Hurricane 733 rigid hull inflatable.…