Domino (BCY0633) lunge-feeding ©MERS, MML-42
Sponsor A Whale
Help support our work on BC's coast
The Whales
Support the Marine Education and Research Society by sponsoring a Humpback Whale! All proceeds go directly toward MERS research, education, and response efforts.
Sponsor a Whale-
Sponsor LoginMoonstar has come to NE Vancouver Island to feed every year since 2008. That’s when he was a first-year calf with his mom, Slash (BCY0177). In 2011, he was one of the first two whales we saw using a feeding strategy that had never been documented before – “trap-feeding”.
Our Whale Sponsorship Packages
With a minimum donation of $60, choose from one of the whales above and receive or gift:
- A card featuring a photograph of your sponsored whale
- A durable (Greenguard certified) sticker of your sponsored whale’s tail (approx. 5.5″ wide)
- 1-year online access to your sponsored whale’s biography, photos, and updates, and more exclusive content

Argonaut (BCY0729) tail-lobbing ©MERS, MML-57
Online Humpback Sponsorship
Don’t need a sticker and card with your sponsorship?
With a minimum donation of $50, you receive 1-year of online access to your whale’s biography, photos, updates, and more.

Nick (BCX0565) with Stripe (BCZ0004) ©MERS, MML-42