Event Description

Ali Gladwell and Joan Moreaux recently successfully defended their Master’s theses on projects they collaborated on with MERS. They did this as MERS Research Associates.

Celebrate them and learn from the results of their research on “Master’s Night” – February 18 from 7 to 8:30 pm PST.

This is a free event but registration is needed at https://www.zeffy.com/ticketing/masters-night-with-mers-research-associates

About the talks:

Joan Moreaux (University of British Columbia) researched Humpback Whale prey consumption in the Strait of Georgia using stable isotope analysis. This work is important in understanding the differences in Humpback Whale diet along the BC coast e.g. some whales relying more on herring in one area or on euphausiids (krill) in another.

Ali Gladwell (University of Victoria) researched social influence and vessel behaviour around cetaceans in the waters of northeast Vancouver Island. The results will help guide MERS’ education efforts regarding knowledge and compliance to the Marine Mammal Regulations and further best practices.